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Letter to myself – on my first day to college

Dear 18 year old Preetjyot,
Hang in there girl, I have a big secret to share with you. Something that could change your life forever. I’m your future self and I took special power from the Momsteins to send you this letter to let you know what you are getting into.
It’s your first day in college and I know you are pretty nervous, so I thought I will let you know that this new phase is going to be the most rocking one.

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Letter to my siblings – my crazy 4 gang

Dear crazy 3, I know you know pretty well that life would totally be out of focus without you 3 being around. We do end up fighting almost 50 percent of the time, but trust me I wouldn’t wish to be made fun of for singing like a frog or chased around the house with a fake lizard, by anyone else but you guys. You definitely have to deal with me and love be back, no matter how mean I get for no reason or how my voice could bring down the entire house.

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Incrementally challenging toys could make your child Smarter 

I’m a firm believer of learning through play.
It’s highly believed that quite a less number of kids are born with mathematical talent, while the rest don’t have the ability to succeed at a higher level. Cognitive science has lately proven this myth to be wrong.
Human brain isn’t hardwired. It continues to develop throughout one’s life. Incremental learning could help in the emergence of new abilities. Check out my post to read about some awesome benefits of incremental challenging toys.

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Summer Skirts in Winter Season – Styling

If ever you are in a position of dilemma where you have to give up on your sassy summer skirts to protect you from cold, hold up right there because I have got you some amazing dressing hacks to make your wish come true. Well, this is the case with every second girl who loves her short skirts and tops and always finds it difficult to take them out of their wardrobe. We all are well versed with the phrase that fashion has no limits and boundaries. Moreover, the real fashion is what we create and own which later becomes a trend.

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