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Body positive kids could be the game changer

One of the most important tasks as a parent is to model and nurture healthy self esteem in our children. It does take a lot of time and care to help a child adopt the habit of body positivity. It won’t be an easy feat, and I must warn you to be ready to be bombarded with some tough questions that have extremely tough answers.
Read this post to know how I work towards immunising my daughters against poor body image.

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Self love is the key

Self love is the key to being a happy mother.
Don’t be too hard on yourself to become a better parent.The world around you changes overnight after you become a parent. A baby doesn’t just fill your life with new responsibilities but also influences your sleep, daily schedule, your diet and most importantly the amount of time you spend in the washroom. Read this post to know how I fell in love with myself all over again.

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Feed your Child’s Brain

When I say feed your child’s brain, you really are technically feeding the brain first.
Even though genes play a significant role in determining a child’s intelligence, research shows us that nutrition also plays an important in developing intellectual capabilities during formative years.
Today I would be talking about food that would not only promote good health, but would also give your child the best possible nutrients for his brain to concentrate, remember and think clearly.

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Screen Time Limitation Trick – Free Printable

Trick to limit Screen Time – Our little Secret. With the motive to limit Screen Time I started following this simple trick. Bonus: Happier kids. I let my daughters sit in front of the computer or any other gadget, that’s because I choose to teach my girls how to balance spending time in front of a gadget in a healthy way in their life. Check this post to know what is it that we are doing differently.

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Amway Nutrilite Traditional Herbs Range – a unique combination of modern science and Indian traditional wisdom

Amway Nutrilite Traditional Herbs Range is a unique combination of modern science and Indian traditional wisdom.

I’m sure you would agree that our foremothers worked really hard, and if you observed them taking the time to make a remedy again and again it is just because it worked. Check out how Amway’s new range can help your stay healthy.

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Casio Mini Keyboard- Bringing families together since Decades

When it came to introducing music to my girls, I knew that Casio Mini Keyboard would be the best choice.

I wanted to recreate memories with this cool instrument that holds a special place in my heart.

For the happy nappy brigade – dancing, singing and making music comes very naturally. Musical activities also have a unique way of distracting and changing your little ones mood.
Check out why you must introduce your child to some musical instrument.

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Crochet Braids – Hairstyle that you would definitely want to copy

It’s not just about straight or wavy hair anymore. Crochet braids made a debut again in 2016 and it seems like they aren’t going out of style pretty soon. These offer not just a great protective style but gives you an endless number of options. You can experiment with various colours, textures and lengths. All this while keeping your natural hair undamaged and safe.

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Staying Up Late? Try Some Natural Sleep Aids

Staying Up Late? Try Some Natural Sleep Aids

Whether you’re having trouble falling asleep or you are a night owl, getting good quality sleep is tough. But you need to get in your seven to eight hours so you won’t be experiencing sleep deprivation symptoms like brain fog, confusion, mood instability and of course fatigue. Stop yawning and try these tips to help you sleep better.

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Duracell Durathon – Bringing family together

Duracell Durathon – Bringing family together.
It’s time for Duracell Durathon to head over to Delhi, after its successful first marathon in Mumbai last year.
Duracell is all set to encourage Delhiites to run with their family for a cause that could change their life.
This family run called Durathon is a great initiative by Duracell which encourages families to spend more quality time together. Check the post to know how you could participate.

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