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I support the Farmers – The biggest Protest Ever

They walked through the streets with their resolve. They are camping and cooking on roads so that all of us sleep under roof and have food to eat. They gave up their comfort because that was the price of their livelihood and future. That is the bargain they have made.
It breaks my heart to see the media misguide the viewers, which is passing on false information that has absolutely nothing to do with the farmer’s protest.

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Best Family Board Games to Invest in Right Away

One of the best ways to make some fun memories with your family is by engaging in board games. In this article you would find 5 Best family board games that would help you spend some quality and engaging time with your family.

After hustling to school and work for most of the week, we all crave to hit a pause button and make some definite room for memories that would last a lifetime.
We often crave to connect with our family the old fashioned fun way – without any portable electronic devices.

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Life Coach Mentor – Someone who could help you move closer to a better way of living

If your life looks great on paper but feels not so great in real life, we need to take a pause.

I can help you enjoy the success you have strived so hard to achieve without having to sacrifice your soul to find it.

I can help your child balance academic well being with personal health and happiness.

A session with me help you become the happiest person you would know.

I beleive that each of us have the potential to create the change we want to see in the world. but too often we get stuck feeling like we can’t.

I would love to help you and your kids change that.

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Life Coach For kids who could help your kids reach their goals

If you have a child between 7 -18, this blog is for you! It could be just what you’ve been looking for! My name is Preetjyot Kaur and I have been sharing about my parenting journey on my blog since over 6 years. I loved my job as a mom blogger.. But over time when I connected with various mothers through my blog and I realised something!

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Plant lover – who was once a plant Killer

From being plant killer all my life to an obsessive plant lover,  the journey has been wonderful.
I have seriously come a long way.
I always loved plants but somehow was always known to kill them unknowingly.
I became helpless to an extent that I used to just admire plants from far at my childhood home. I couldn’t afford to let another plant die?.

In fact my mom even tried passing on some gardening knowledge to me, but it didn’t help either.

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Disney. BYJU’S Early Learn App – transformed the way my kid learns

Byju’s Early Learn App – transformed the way my kid learns.

This pandemic has brought online learning to the forefront!

Whether schooling your kids through online classes or learning new skills for professional growth, all of us are fast evolving as a tribe of self-initiated learners!

Thank God for BYJU’S, the app has literally transformed the way my kid learns. The course material, innovative technology and its mentors have helped in improving my younger ones retention power. 

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Unrealistic expectations – Toxic Productivity

Unrealistic expectations can break you.

During the beginning phase of lockdown did you start with plans of doing something truly meaningful and productive?
Have you been pushing yourself to self-improve and focusing on your productivity?
If this is true it’s quite possible that you are feeling overwhelmed because you are simply not able to achieve the ‘unrealistic’ expectations you may have set for yourself.

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