Things that you DARE NOT say to a work at home mom | A hilarious take on the serious questions

A Work at home mom is often known by an acronym WAHM, the term that I find quite repulsive.

The truth behind this term is that, the work at home moms have actually two jobs at hand: the one that pays their bills and the other one where they have to spend hours convincing a few people around, that working at home isn’t a work that lets you relax and have leisure.

This blog post is a part of Dare-a-thon Blogtrain that I’m hosting with Charu and Prisha). I chose the prompt ‘Dare to speak up’, though with a twist???. 

Today being World Dare day, 29 moms have come together to share some daring blog posts. 

I thank Mansi who blogs at  for introducing me. A parenting  blogger who shares about Fashion, makeup, shopping, cooking , books and parenting . You can read her blog post here. 

I would also take the opportunity to introduce CharuShe is a dear friend and a blogger who has a unique style of penning down her thoughts. You must check out her daring blogpost here.


Next time you come across a work at home mom, it would be lovely if you could refrain from saying any of the comments penned below. Well!!! more because instead of explaining or giving an answer to your question, a work at home mom would wish to spend her precious time working, which she totally loves doing.

1. I wish I could wear those shorts all day and work at the same time.

So the fact is that we aren’t in our shorts or pyjamas the whole day, specially not when we have to go to our child’s school, or take the little one for vaccination, or do some grocery shopping or when we hang out with our friends and family.
We work at home mom’s love our shorts and pyjamas, however we too love changing into beautiful clean clothes at the start of the day, just like every other soul on our planet.
The fact that our work desk is a comfy couch or our bed, doesn’t mean that we sit there whole day looking like a woman who is sick and is munching on some pop corns and watching her favourite show on YouTube simultaneously.

2. Wow! I so wish my job was as easy as yours.

So here’s the interesting story behind my easy job. After my husband and kids dose off and are happy in their dream world, I stay awake for upto 4 hours, finish my work and struggle to sleep for another one hour. And in the morning I wake up the kids, get my elder muffin ready for school, get her snack box ready, bathe my younger muffin, bathe myself, get the breakfast ready for everyone at home ( for which my mother in law helps me sometimes), and then drop my girl to school while carrying the little one in my precious baby carrier. After coming back home I steal some time during the day from all the big and small things happening at home, to finish my work. And like everyone says: It’s easy like hell?.

3. I wonder how it feels to be at home all day, and being able to get a pedicure whenever you feel like.

Bubble burst time: Come home and look at my toes, which look as if I have ignored them ever since I took birth on my beautiful planet. Working at home takes more time and energy of mine, than any of my jobs I ever did. I don’t have any coffee machine like real work places, which could help me when I’m on a break. The only break I have is when I sneak and run into the washroom, while my girls start banging at the door.

4. I wonder what you do all day?

This is a killer question, that might make you trigger the killer instinct of a work at home mom. She might be busy sharpening her knife behind her while you are waiting for an answer.
So, I’m sure you know how dangerous it can get for you.

5. How do you manage not meeting real humans all day?

Fact time: Internet is a great thing. I wish you knew how wonderfully it connects you to other humans. It can actually help you have a face to face conversation any time of the day. A lot of moms who work from home have loads of video meetings, Skype video calls and travels related to work happening all the time.
So yes!! we do have real humans around, we also do have friends whom we meet when we aren’t working.

6. How do you manage doing your work, with no domestic help to help you with your kids?

Yes, the answer is pretty simple!
Meditation… True that! meditation keeps me sane and gives me super powers to manage everything.

7. Would it be fine if I could drop my kids over, since you work from home itself. I’m sure you can manage.

I love you my dear friend, but please answer my one extremely important question.
Would you stop by and drop your kids with me, if my work place was a cubicle? I’m sure you wouldn’t.
So please remember this next time you wish to ask me this, Coz I’m really bad at saying NO, since I really love real human beings.

8. I feel you shouldn’t work at all, I’m sure you don’t make much money to pay your bills and you end up stressing yourself.

Another bubble burst time: I know my work schedule is not traditional and my bedroom is my office, this makes an easy assumption that I don’t make enough money or I don’t enjoy my work. I don’t feel the need to wear a business suit and with in an office to make big money. My fellow work at home moms, this question certainly doesn’t require an answer. That smile on your face and the bucks in your wallet is the best reply.??

9. Oh my god! Do you really work so late?

Yes I work exactly as per the schedule I told you. I write articles while breastfeeding. I plead my husband to take care of the girls, so I could manage to meet a deadline. I reach an hour early at my girls school, and take my tablet too, and write while I’m waiting for the school to get over. And then at night while everyone sleeps at home, I work under my bedside lamp while I sip on a black coffee.

10. Do you miss having a career like how you had before?

Well!! Don’t you see the word ‘work’ in ‘work at home’ term. Most mom’s choose to work from home. A few do it for their convenience, to save some bucks, for necessity, to be closer to their little muffins or may be just because it’s the only place that keeps them sane after becoming a mother. All these mom’s actively take charge of their work lives.
Isn’t that exactly how work is defined.

So all you work at home moms, I have to give you a salute. A salute for keeping your sanity while facing all these questions.
And much love and strength to keep you going strong.
Keep doing what you love mommas.
Break the stereotypes.

Get on a discovery session With Life Coach Preet and discover new horizons. Reach me on Instagram to book one to one session or a group session.

Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur
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  1. Lata May 17, 2017 at 6:26 pm

    Ha ha… I really want to use some of these responses!

    1. Preetjyot May 17, 2017 at 8:33 pm

      Lol! Feel free to use ??

  2. Vaidehi May 18, 2017 at 2:18 am

    I really had a good laugh reading this article.. particularly the one that says can I keep my kids at your place .. oh my god … you nailed it love ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Preetjyot May 18, 2017 at 3:09 pm

      Lol. I still laugh whenever I read this.. And trust me ppl have actually come up to me and asked me to keep their kids at my place.. Not that I don’t like it.. Coz my girls are pretty independent, and when their friends and cousins come over they are usually busy in their own world..
      But yes would love everybody to knw that I actually work guys??

  3. Pingback: How I bust Gender stereotypes - my parenting mantra

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  5. Namrata August 29, 2017 at 5:44 am

    Ha ha.. this is such a fun article to read. Loved the GIFs too.

  6. Krupa September 1, 2017 at 5:13 am

    I am not a mom but I do work from home and live in a joint family, which means work is never ending. I can totally relate to this.

  7. Sumira Bhatia June 1, 2018 at 10:19 pm

    Hahaha you TELL them! They just don’t let you breathe! How can you choose career over baby is what I get ?

    Umm to be able to the afford the baby. So I am really choosing the baby over career!

  8. Amitoj Kaur June 2, 2018 at 6:58 am

    I just love this article.. I am going to share it on my social media so that the persons who ask me same questions get these answers… This is the best thing I read today. . U rock. . And yes me too go to pick up my son from school early and write in the car outside his school..

  9. Disha June 2, 2018 at 7:04 am

    Work from is not easy and I have the list of responses now to throw at people. 🙂

  10. CloudandSunshine June 2, 2018 at 7:16 am

    This is hilarious! I am laughing my heart out!

  11. Anonymous June 2, 2018 at 7:18 am


  12. Mommy.Adventures.Today June 2, 2018 at 9:53 am

    Love love love this preetjyot! Love the GIF’s . Love the way these gif add humour to the whole write up!?

  13. Anonymous June 2, 2018 at 10:05 am


  14. Pragnya Mishra June 2, 2018 at 10:08 am

    I had a good laugh reading this. Gifs are cheery on top.

  15. mommynshanaya June 2, 2018 at 1:33 pm

    I can totallyyy relate to each and every word here since my clinic is next door to my house and i feel i am work from home mom and ur take is way too good……loved every bit of it!!!

  16. Anonymous June 2, 2018 at 3:21 pm


  17. mummatolilmissy June 2, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    Hahahah.. I wish I would have gotten hold of them earlier. Would have definitely used a couple.

  18. thesimplemumma June 3, 2018 at 10:26 am

    Wat a amazing blog…love your writing style…yes WAHM is a wonderful mom who manages whole thing nicely with no expectations of incentive in salary?

  19. Princy Khurana June 4, 2018 at 1:44 am

    This was so funny and so relatable in so many ways for me. Loved ur take on this.

  20. Nishtha sarna June 4, 2018 at 4:00 am

    Very well written… moms – whether “work from home”, “stay at home” or “stepping out to work” are working round the clock…

  21. Akanksha Gupta June 4, 2018 at 6:20 am

    I loved the way you have articulated the exact emotions. A lot of things i wanted to mention too to a lot of people during the maternity break of mine…!!

  22. Arpita June 4, 2018 at 1:34 pm

    Loved it….

  23. Chhavi June 6, 2018 at 6:29 am

    I think one of the most common is “I wonder what you do all day” What do you think?

    1. Preetjyot Kaur June 17, 2018 at 8:20 pm

      Haha talk about it Chhavi. I still get even strangers ask me this.

  24. yogitaamitjoshi June 8, 2018 at 4:06 am

    I just laughed out loud.. You wrote it amazingly… A hillarious take on something serious… Cant even think of it.

    1. Preetjyot Kaur June 17, 2018 at 8:19 pm

      ?thanks Yogita, I’m glad I could make you laugh so hard.


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