I was detected with oligohydramnios during my second pregnancy and learnt that about 8 percent women have low level of amniotic fluid. I was lucky to have found the right maternity hospital that helped me throughout my pregnancy. If it wasn’t for my gynaecologist, I would have been in distress. Exactly why I suggest all expecting parents to choose your maternity hospital wisely.
If you would like to know more about oligohydramnios and how your maternity hospital could help you, please read on.
Posts Taggedpregnancy
Driving while Pregnant – A complete safety guide
Are you scared of Driving while pregnant ?
Every parent is worried about how to protect their little muffin even while he is “still in the oven”. Pregnancy comes with a long list of do’s and don’ts.
What about driving while pregnant?
Do you wear a seat belt?
Do you go without?
Do you just start walking everywhere?
If you keep worrying about these questions, don’t worry and read on to know all about it.