I breastfed my first child for 2 years and the second one for 1.6 years.
I was not worried about how the world would react to it, all I cared about was how I would judge myself for doing it.
Posts TaggedBreastfeeding
Breastfeeding baby while bonding with your toddler
The biggest fear I had when I had my second child was that I should never make my first child feel neglected. She was our lifeline and would always be. The only time I felt that would be making her feel neglected would have been the breastfeeding time. That urged me to find a solution for it. Hope this helps all the mothers who have two kids or are planning to have the second one.
M&M cookies recipe | Best recipe for a lactating mother
Here is a yummy recipe for a lactating mother , M&M cookies, something that will not only act as a healthy snack, but also boost your milk supply.