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Embrace Life: 8 Valuable Advice from 39-year-old Me to a 19-year-old Me

Embrace Life: Discover 8 Valuable Advice from My 39-Year-Old Self to a 19-Year-Old Me. Learn to celebrate uniqueness, dream fearlessly, embrace setbacks, and cultivate meaningful connections. Trust your inner voice and practice gratitude for a fulfilling life journey. Dive into valuable life lessons in this inspiring blog.

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Struggling with life? | Don’t Let it defeat you

Struggling with life and feeling that you are failing at it? Life offers unlimited opportunities to everyone, it’s just that we need to mindfully be able to recognise these and make the most of them. Do you know why you must be struggling with life and feeling that you are failing?

Struggles instil great amount of strength, tenacity and courage within us. But before they do that, they might end up leaving us drained out and defeated.
Read about how Limiting belief and emotional blind spots can harm us in this post.

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Are you scared of sharing your Vulnerability?

Some people are not completely in touch with their feelings, however for those who understand their deep feelings sharing their vulnerability could feel like venturing into a different world. They know and are aware that they could end up getting hurt at the the end of it. Even then, one could end up taking a chance and not think about it much at first. Vulnerability is connected to one of the hardest feelings to bear : i.e. SHAME.  It’s normal to do anything to the best of your capability to avoid feelings like shame and anger, or being defensive and act in a compulsive or addictive behaviour.

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Maternal anxiety – is for Real

If you feel that separation anxiety is just for kids, hold your thought and read on.
When you become a parent, you are likely to experience a fraught with emotions. You may find yourself feeling extremely happy and joyous at your baby’s birth at one moment, and may experience an immense sense of responsibility. At certain times you would feel an intense fear to do everything right for your baby.
There might be times an extreme desire to be able to protect your baby from the world around may lead to a couple of problems for your baby and you.

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Unrealistic expectations – Toxic Productivity

Unrealistic expectations can break you.

During the beginning phase of lockdown did you start with plans of doing something truly meaningful and productive?
Have you been pushing yourself to self-improve and focusing on your productivity?
If this is true it’s quite possible that you are feeling overwhelmed because you are simply not able to achieve the ‘unrealistic’ expectations you may have set for yourself.

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Summer Skirts in Winter Season – Styling

If ever you are in a position of dilemma where you have to give up on your sassy summer skirts to protect you from cold, hold up right there because I have got you some amazing dressing hacks to make your wish come true. Well, this is the case with every second girl who loves her short skirts and tops and always finds it difficult to take them out of their wardrobe. We all are well versed with the phrase that fashion has no limits and boundaries. Moreover, the real fashion is what we create and own which later becomes a trend.

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Probiotic supplement – the buzzword in health field

The key ingredient of Zenith Nutrition’s Probiotic Blend is Fructooligosaccharides, which is also commonly known as FOS. It has become widely popular for all the good reasons.
You must try Probiotic Blend from ZenithNutrition for an easy and portable way to add Fructooligosaccharides to your daily diet.

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Tea lovers versus coffee lovers | Some myths busted

tea and coffee lovers.
It’s become a trend that people prefer one of these beverage over the other in huge numbers and develop a disliking towards the ones who don’t love their preference. Often they also end up typecasting the other category. Check out various opinions that coffee lovers have about the tea lovers.

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Garlic supplement from Zenith Nutrition – odourless garlic with great benefits

Garlic is not only a delicious culinary ingredient which gives a distinct flavour to food but is also really healthy and is used to cure various diseases, exactly why odourless garlic supplements are gaining the popularity they truly deserve.
I have recently started using Garlic Supplement from Zenith Nutrition and would love to share my experience with you all.

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Vitamin B2 supplement review and its benefits |zenith nutrition 

There is something that could help us have a healthy lifestyle and that is a health supplement. If taken moderately and as per the instruction of your doctor, health supplements could do wonders for your body.
One such health supplement that I recently started using is Vitamin B2 from Zenith Nutrition.
I would like to share with you all the benefits of this Health supplement.

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Amniotic fluid and it’s importance : how choosing a good maternity hospital could help

I was detected with oligohydramnios during my second pregnancy and learnt that about 8 percent women have low level of amniotic fluid. I was lucky to have found the right maternity hospital that helped me throughout my pregnancy. If it wasn’t for my gynaecologist, I would have been in distress. Exactly why I suggest all expecting parents to choose your maternity hospital wisely. 
If you would like to know more about oligohydramnios and how your maternity hospital could help you, please read on.

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The Modern Indian Woman is Rocking the world- #9daysofWomanhood

Modern Indian Woman is someone who has broken all the stereotypes and is the one who believes in herself immensely. There has been a gradual change in the activities of Indian Women. From being a part of a pastoral society to enjoying the contemporary and global society, a woman’s role has changed tremendously. From a typical ‘GRAHINI’ who used to believe in just catering to the household responsibilities to a Woman who is  also working towards the socio-economic and  cultural aspects of the society, Modern Indian woman is ready to Rock it completely.

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Breastfeeding baby while bonding with your toddler 

The biggest fear I had when I had my second child was that I should never make my first child feel neglected. She was our lifeline and would always be. The only time I felt that would be making her feel neglected would have been the breastfeeding time. That urged me to find a solution for it. Hope this helps all the mothers who have two kids or are planning to have the second one.

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Yes I Am NEERJA..And Will Be NEERJA All My Life

Yes I am NEERJA..and will be NEERJA all my life. A song early in the morning just evoked a lot of thoughts in my mind. It was a usual morning, of a usual mother of two, getting one ready for school and feeding the other.
An ordinary morning, suddenly made me feel extraordinary about myself and my life.

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How to Trim a Baby’s Nails without any hassle

It can be a pretty scary business the first time you have to trim your baby’s nails. I am sure most of us would have had accidents while trimming baby nails .If you’re tempted to skip it, know this: nail trimming is important since babies often don’t have very good control of their arms and could accidentally scratch their face, or worse yet, an eye.

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