Want To know these magic parenting formulas? The moment I realized I was expecting my first child, I was determined to be a good mother just like any other woman. I always knew I wanted to do it the right way. Everyone around me showered me with their take on motherhood. I was in constant search for a magic parenting formula.
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Collaborations : Learn to say NO
Learn to say NO to collaborations!
I often come across people mentioning that Blogging has become a rat race ( I’m guilty of saying that too?), but do we realise that it’s us who have made this wonderful platform a never-ending Competitive Race?
School: Story of a little girl who proved that it’s never too difficult to achieve your goals.
When I spoke to #mybigmuffin and discussed this, she had just one thing to say – “Mama, we can do this’. She had a great confidence in her tone and I felt so proud of her.
How to help your child succeed at preschool
Here is a list of a few things that I feel are important to help my child succeed in school??? Its evident that the family’s involvement in young children’s education may contribute not only to a smooth transition to elementary school for children, but also for parents, by helping to prepare them for later involvement in their children’s learning.
Breastfeeding : The toughest choice I had to make as a second time mother
I breastfed my first child for 2 years and the second one for 1.6 years.
I was not worried about how the world would react to it, all I cared about was how I would judge myself for doing it.
Lunch Box Notes | Check out how these Brought more joy into our life
I didn’t expect the note to do so much for my daughters. My only intention was to make them smile, in case they felt a little lonely at the new school.
This note did much more for us than that.
It made our girls realize that we were in this together.
Meaning of Sorry taught without making our daughters say Sorry
We don’t make our daughters say ‘Sorry’!
In this post you will find what we do instead.
Time and again I have seen and I’m too sure you must have too… a child runs past and almost knocks down another child, screaming an unapologetic ‘Sorry’ and runs off to continue playing.
Children are often taught to say ‘Sorry’ way before they are capable of feeling sorry for any of their actions. Does this sound familiar to you?
Post Delivery | Do you feel like a stranger in your body?
Post delivery Truth bomb – Other mothers might feel and look better than you: I won’t lie! This truth is extremely hard to swallow. But I’m glad I got over this feeling soon enough. We must understand that everyone has their own way to deal with things. Just the way others won’t go through what you did, you wouldn’t go through what others did.
Fun Memories are what your child’s memory bank needs
Fun Memories are what your child’s memory bank needs. We make infinite deposits in our children’s memory banks everyday knowingly and unknowingly.
Dining out with kids – When to start
Dining out with the kids and the trick that helped me get started.Dining out with the kids can be overwhelming for most parents and since I keep getting queries related to this I thought of sharing about our journey. In this post I have shared how it all began for us.