Some people are not completely in touch with their feelings, however for those who understand their deep feelings sharing their vulnerability could feel like venturing into a different world. They know and are aware that they could end up getting hurt at the the end of it. Even then, one could end up taking a chance and not think about it much at first. Vulnerability is connected to one of the hardest feelings to bear : i.e. SHAME. It’s normal to do anything to the best of your capability to avoid feelings like shame and anger, or being defensive and act in a compulsive or addictive behaviour.
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Raise Honest Kids with these Tips
If your kids have lied or have tried to deceive you, you must understand that it is normal childhood behaviour. It is a parent’s job to teach them right from wrong. Take out special time to guide them away from lies and towards an environment where they can openly speak the truth. They would definitely thank you for taking the extra time to teach them this important life lesson.
यून तो सदियों रहा है दुश्मन दौरे जहान: हमारा, कुछ तो बात है हम में के हस्ती मिट ती नहीं हमारी।
I heard this from my grandfather ( Nanaji) years back. I didn’t know it’s depth back then, but my mother echoed this quote into my ears for years. Just saying this out loud fills me with immense power.
Educational toys : How to pick up the right ones for your kids
Educational toys are the change that will take the process of learning to the next level, since they can Kickstart your kid’s play and support his or her development.
While one might feel choosing the best Educational toys for the kids would be easy, it does indeed require a good amount of effort. Finding the best educational toys could be difficult for both teachers and parents.
The best toys for the kids are the ones that engage both their minds and bodies.
The perfect toys are the ones that challenges kids and help them learn in in a fun way.
Here are a few points that could help you pick the right kind of Educational Toys for your kids:
Don’t change yourself after becoming a parent
Don’t change yourself
Have you already started feeling that Parenting took away a part of you that was important to you once?
Have you Changed yourself after becoming a Parent?
Do you miss being yourself?
If the answers to all the above is YES, Please read on to know about the one thing that my husband were quite sure of during our first pregnancy.
Tips for choosing best online classes for kids
Are you looking for Online classes for kids? Read this blog post to know some of the best Tips to choose the best ones.
The market is flooded with numerous options for e-learning, which makes it difficult to choose the best one for your kids.
Most parents struggle to pick the right kind of online classes for their kids because of one big question: What should be kept in mind when choosing online classes for kids?
Growth curve – A great way to track your kid’s development
Being a mother of two I have witnessed how different kids develop new skills and abilities at an individual pace and in a steady progression as they grow. Both my daughters reached their respective milestones and developed various skills at a different pace.
A Growth curve assesses the way a kid grows over a period of time. Read this blog post to know all about Growth Curve.
Language development from Birth
Language development of your newborn by talking often :
Talking is the biggest milestones for a baby and there’s a lot that a parent can do to help the baby to be a master at chatting once he grows older. Get all your questions related to ‘Talking to your baby’ answered in this post.
Parenting During Pandemic
Parenting During Pandemic is hard. The children are likely to show emotions and feelings that they must have not shown before.
Check out this post to know about some practical and simple tips.
Even though it isn’t a great feeling to see one’s children in an emotionally weak state, we must accept that it’s perfectly OK if they show some signs of anxiety or sadness.
Maternal anxiety – is for Real
If you feel that separation anxiety is just for kids, hold your thought and read on.
When you become a parent, you are likely to experience a fraught with emotions. You may find yourself feeling extremely happy and joyous at your baby’s birth at one moment, and may experience an immense sense of responsibility. At certain times you would feel an intense fear to do everything right for your baby.
There might be times an extreme desire to be able to protect your baby from the world around may lead to a couple of problems for your baby and you.