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Struggling with life? | Don’t Let it defeat you

Struggling with life and feeling that you are failing at it? Life offers unlimited opportunities to everyone, it’s just that we need to mindfully be able to recognise these and make the most of them. Do you know why you must be struggling with life and feeling that you are failing?

Struggles instil great amount of strength, tenacity and courage within us. But before they do that, they might end up leaving us drained out and defeated.
Read about how Limiting belief and emotional blind spots can harm us in this post.

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Stress effects relationships | Bond better even during stress

Every couple experiences stress, which could root from issues at work, or with friends or family which is carried over into their own relationships. A couple’s personal issues, such as differences in needs and wants, or an argument or feeling aloof and neglected could also lead to stress for one or both the partners. This post will help you Decode stress and help you figure out ways to bond better with your spouse even during Stress.

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Meaning of Self Love – Understand it’s soul

I always keep talking about the importance of indulging in self love on my blog and social media, but recently I realised that most of us have misunderstood this term. Let’s straight away dive into it. Self Love is to truly appreciate oneself and indulge in activities that would support one’s psychological, spiritual and physical growth. It means giving your own happiness and well-being the deserved regard and attention. It means making a conscious choice to not sacrifice your mental and physical well-being to please others. Self love is when we don’t settle for anything less than what we deserve.

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Bullying – Empower your Child

One thing that no parent want their kids to go through is bullying. This isn’t a new term for most of us. A bully ideally targets people who they feel don’t fit in. They could end up targeting someone based on their behavior, appearance,  race/ religion, popularity status  or sexual identity. This post will help parents empower their kids so they are able to deal with bullies and win over them.

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Angry child – Don’t let anger fool you or your child

Angry child – Don’t let anger fool you or your child! As a mental health advocate I have learnt that there is always much more to anger than what meets the eyes.
Anger mostly acts as a protective purpose for children, thus it’s important to not allow your child’s anger fool or misguide you. Take this opportunity to understand your child and bond with them better.

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Narcissist : easiest way to identity them

Narcissists have a strong belief of being superior to other people, hence they always expect some kind of special treatment and admiration. They are unable to acknowledge their own insecurities, which results in narcissistic behaviours like a sense of entitlement, an extreme need for attention and validation and superficiality. Read this post to understand how a narcissist could play with your mind and soul.

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Avoid saying this to your child & don’t make your child feel responsible for your emotions

Are you making your child feel responsible for your emotions? If yes, Avoid saying the below statements to your child, and replace them with effective statements as mentioned in this blog post.
It’s unfair when we burden our kids with the responsibility of making sure that our emotions aren’t affected by their actions. Instead of loading our kids with this responsibility, we must focus on making our kids aware about their own feeling – big or small.

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Stop your child from hitting : Step 2

One trick that has always worked for me and my clients is to tell the kids what they CAN do, instead of telling them just what not to do, so there is no confusion.
Kids mostly love to please their elders, hence showing them how they can, would really help them.
In this scenario the main goal is to model  gentle behaviour in front of them, something which they would copy or at least start to register consciously.

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Stop your child from hitting : Step 1

In this post I  will share things that have proven to be helpful to me and my clients. You know your child best, hence feel free to tweak  the suggestions  as per your comfort. You would have to deal with biting, shoving or hitting the moment you see it happens. Waiting even for a minute or until you get home isn’t going to help as by that time, they would have already forgotten the incident and won’t  be able to understand  the severity  of the situation.

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Stop your child from hitting : things to remember

When should you stop a child from hitting?
I know it isn’t an easy task to figure out how to stop a child from hitting!
For the first time Parents it’s an even more shocking and tedious  process.
How one helps the child stop hitting would look different for different age groups, however in this post I would share my expertise of what worked for my thousands  of parents and kids clients.

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