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Fun April Fool’s day pranks to pep up a Flight Attendants day !!!

Are you a Flight attendant?? Go play these fun pranks and enjoy this April Fool’s Day!!!Trust me nothing can be better than cracking a joke at your work place to brighten up your day.
Now for a cabin ATTENDANT since the work place is 36000 feet above the sea level, the pressure of safety and security is really high. Hence, its really important to let go at times.

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Here are the best Read aloud Books for your 0-3 year old muffin

Make sure you practice reading out aloud (which a skill, trust me!!), with your little muffin. It’s a skill to be able to draw attention of a child, by changing your volume, pace or voice.

You should pay attention to what you are reading. Make sure you reflect the drama and emotions through your voice. These emotions would also be visible on your face. The best trick here is to act silly.

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